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Palo Santo

Palo Santo


**Price is per bundle. Each bundle includes 2 sticks.


Palo Santo is a type of wood that has a sweeter aroma than White Sage and is known for its cleansing and purification properties, when lit the stick gives an aromatic scent. It is known by the Native American Tribes as the Holy Wood, as it is used to transmute darkness into light. The energy of Palo Santo infuses the room with a sense of warmth and light. It is said that due to Palo Santos' warmth and light that it gives, it soothes emotional scares too. This is what makes this stick so special.

Set your positive intentions with Palo Santo. It is also used to welcome peace, luck, health, harmony and positivity. It is perfect to welcome all good vibes into a space and into your life. As you light a stick, it amplifies high vibrations and frequencies while welcoming all positivity and expelling all negativity.
I release all negativity from my mind, body and soul and replace it with positive energy only. I choose new positive habits that align with my highest self for the greatest good. My body and soul are calm.


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