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“Crystals by themselves are like ingredients in your pantry: It’s not until you do something with them that the magic happens,” Azalea Lee 


We send good vibes only when packing your order, as we sage all of our packages before they are sent off to their forever homes. But because we adore you, we enclose a small Native American White Sage tip for you to be able to cleanse and set your intention with your crystals before placing them in your home. We believe it is your time to shine. 


Embrace your inner white witch and say bye Felicia to all that bad juju!


Crystal Care is easier than you may think..




Crystals needs to be dedicated a purpose for which you use them. When setting your intention clear the clutter from your mind and tap into what you really want and truly desire. Be calm and focus on manifesting this. Let go of the negative and focus on the positive. Be bold and let your mind embrace the possibilities of the things you want.


  1. Pick your crystal that you are drawn to (depending on your collection – this could be a long process)

  2. Choose your method of charging or clearing – use your intuition and go with which ever feels right

  3. Hold your intention and focus on transferring the energy to your crystal

  4. You will know when you’re done and it’s time to move onto the next. Trust your gut here.


The terms cleanse and recharge crystals are very often used where I am sure you have heard these phrases being thrown around – especially when it comes to a full moon.


Cleansing a crystal is in its simplest form means you are clearing any previous energy, intention from the crystal. It gives them a fresh start. 


Recharging a crystal does exactly that. It gives them back their fullest energy to be able to send out high frequency vibrations.


Let’s now delve a little deeper…. 


When you hold gratitude with your crystals you allow your energy to follow between you and the stone. It is kind of like a tango dance, a passionate story where all movements are synchronised. There is no pushing and pulling for power and to lead, they move as one. This is how working with your crystal can look like. If only one of you are dancing the tango, and the other has kicked their heels into the ground – you really are not going to get anywhere. This intertwined dance with your crystals allows you to embrace the crystals energies, feel its magic and when you don’t need it any more, the energy is returned to the crystal. 


However when we neglect to hit the rest button with our crystals there is no more magic for them to give us. Think of the tango again – if you keep dancing and dancing and dancing (especially in those crazy high heels) your feet are going to get tired and blistered and eventually they give up, unable to take one more step. But when you put your feet up and rest and recharge yourself, the next day you are ready to rock and roll (well in this case shimmy). 

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U N D E R  T H E  M O O N


Fully exposed in the full moon light for 24 hours


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)

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Fully exposed to the sun's light for 24 hours


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)

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I N  T H E  E A R T H 


Buried in clean soil for 24 hours


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)

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O T H E R  C R Y S T A L S


Lay them on top of crystals such as Selenite to cleanse


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)

S M U D G E / P A L O  S A N T O


Create light smoke around crystals



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M I S T S 


Lightly spritz a specific blend of oils for energy clearing



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Envision white light around your crystal


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)



Surround your crystal with the sound from a signing bowl, chime or bells.



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U S I N G  S A L T / R U N N I N G  W A T E R 


** Some crystals will corrode in salt and some will disintegrate under water – Please contact me for a list of delicate crystals to be mindful of **


Safe method: Place salt at the bottom of a bowl. Place your crystal in a glass jar and put it in bowl of salt.


Safe Method: Place your crystal in a glass jar and hold the jar under running water.


(Cleanse and Re-Charge)

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